It all begins with Y O U! Without partners, sponsors, and donations - we would not be able to make the impact that we have or will continue doing!
Please consider becoming either a partner, sponsor, or making a one-time donation to help us fulfill our M I S S I O N while making our V I S I O N become R E A L I T Y!
Volunteers are at the heart of The Circle of Faith Foundation - we are always actively looking for volunteers! We would love to have you join us in “Fostering Faith, one patient at a time!”
Become a Partner
Foundation Partnerships:
Company/Corporation single donations are accepted in any amount.
o Recognition on Circle of Faith Foundation’s Facebook page with a thank you post.
o Recognition of donation on website
Company/corporation pledges to donate monthly or quarterly are welcomed and appreciated.
Monthly pledges for any amount are recognized as:
Progressive Steps Partner
There are three tiers/recognitions of pledges for quarterly partners:
Fostering Faith Partners: $501.00-$1,000.00+
Warrior Partners: $101.00-$500.00
Journey Partners: $1.00 to $100.00
Company/corporation pledges are recognized via:
Recognition on Circle of Faith Foundation’s Facebook page with a thank you post
Recognition of pledge on website
Recognition on event banners for each event held by The Circle of Faith Foundation
Recognition of pledge on each table centerpiece with event sponsors listed
Recognition during door prize giveaways at events
Branded Logo/Merchandise and business cards provided in all giveaways (provided by the business)
A Plaque to honor the business/individual as a Foundation Partner
Vendor space at all foundation events/fundraisers (business provides everything including tent, table, flyers, merch, etc.)
Other recognitions in consideration by board (will be voted on in upcoming board meeting)